Sabine Cornelsen
current course:
winter 23: Advanced Algorithmic Concepts
former courses:
summer 23: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
winter 22: Algorithms for Planar Graphs
summer 20-22: Graph Drawing
winter 20-21: Advanced Algorithmic Concepts
winter 19: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
old courses with web pages:
winter 12-18: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
summer 13, 15-17, winter 22: Algorithms for Planar Graphs
summer 14: Combinatorial Optimization
summer 12: Algorithmic Graph Theory
since September 2019:
Teaching and research assistant (50%) with Prof. Dr. Sabine Storandt at the University of Konstanz.
March 2004 - August 2019:
Teaching and research assistant with Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes at the University of Konstanz.
December 2011:
Habilitation in Computer Science
October 2004 - December 2010:
Maternal leave
April 2003 - January 2004:
Scholarship within the EU-project AMORE at the University of L'Aquila
August 1998 - March 2003:
PhD student with Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner at the University of Konstanz
thesis on Drawing Families of Cuts in a Graph
October 1991 - July 1998:
Studied Mathematics with Physics minor at the University of Konstanz
thesis (in German) on Stetigkeitsfragen rund ums 17. Hilbertsche Problem (ps,pdf)
under supervision of Prof. Dr. Alexander Prestel